
awww, wittew bwaby doesn't know how to work throughout the website? what a joke. You're pathetic. well, i guess you did figure out to be here. this is a cheat sheet if you can call it that. here are all the tidbits of information here. (editors note: NOT finished)

Info's debug and easter eggs:
Easter eggs:
-the word ``pinga´´ is an inside joke with the creator and co-creator of this websites, typing this word will just redirect you to a stupid website with no lore.

-the name ``suki´´ is an important name in the NON CANON LORE. Suki is a Succubi and the Goddess of lust, friends with ``Z´´. Upon inputting this name, it will ask you for a code. this code is
"lust and blood" (fitting for a person like her.)